1. Love and separation in a body sick with grief,
Life for one like this will soon slip away.
١. حُبٌّ وَهَجرٌ عَلى جِسمٍ بِهِ سَقَمٌ
العَيشُ عَن ذا سريعاً سَوفَ يَنصَرِمُ
2. His life is his death, and his death is his life,
What good is life when blessings fade?
٢. حَياةُ ذا مَوتُهُ وَالمَوتُ عيشَتُهُ
ما خَيرُ عَيشٍ إِذا ما زالَتِ النِّعَمُ
3. I see lovers whom ordeals have long afflicted,
It's as if their passion itself plagues them.
٣. أَرى المُحِبّينَ قَد طالَ البَلاءُ بِهِم
حَتَّى كَأَنَّ هَواهُم فيهُم نِقَمُ
4. I know this in myself and understand their plight,
They may show mercy while I did not have mercy as they did.
٤. عَرَفتُ ذلِكَ في نَفسي وَعِلَّتُهُم
قَد يرحَمونَ وَلَم أرحم كما رحموا
5. The message came with what I had feared,
Oh what grief for me from what the pen has writ!
٥. جاءَ الكِتابُ بِما قَد كُنتُ أَحذره
يا وَيلَتا لِيَ مِمَّا سَطر القَلَمُ
6. She said: what we were wary of has come true,
So the fire blazes among the spiteful.
٦. قالَت تَحَقَّق ما كُنّا نُزَنُّ بِهِ
فَالنَّارُ بَينَ ذَوي الأَضغانِ تضطرِمُ
7. Seek refuge in You from me, for the people have vowed
To kill you - flee from them, do not be harmed!
٧. إِلَيكَ عَنّي فَإِنَّ القَومَ قَد نَذَروا
أَن يَقتُلوكَ أَلا فَاسلَم وَلا سَلِموا
8. Had I not feared that their threats would hurt him
None of their threats would have crossed my lips.
٨. لَولا مَخافَةُ أَن يَشجى بقيلهُم
لما تَفَوَّهَ مِنهُم بِالوَعيدِ فَمُ
9. Even if they forbid me from visiting you,
While they all watch on in fear of what they claimed,
٩. لا كُنت إِن عاقَني عَن أَن أَزورَكُم
وَكُلُّهُم شاهِدٌ خَوفٌ لما زَعَموا