
Time divided the countries and did not stand

قسم الزمان على البلاد ولم يقم

1. Time divided the countries and did not stand
To watch it and count it with the hand

١. قَسَمَ الزَّمانَ عَلى البِلادِ وَلَم يَقُم
للوَقت يَرصُدُهُ وَيَحسُبُ بِاليَدِ

2. When winter took Rome, it threw it
To the breadth of the crevices, to the farthest cave

٢. لما حَوى الرُّومَ الشِّتاءُ رَمى بِها
عرضَ الفِجاجِ إِلى المغارِ الأَبعَدِ

3. It takes refuge in the south pole when it wishes
And spends summer when summer is under the quilt

٣. يَأوي إِلى قُطْبِ الجَنُوبِ إِذا شَتا
وَيَصيفُ حينَ يَصيفُ تَحتَ الفَرقَدِ

4. How good the caliph is to the flock, who when
They fell asleep and rest came to them, he did not sleep

٤. نِعمَ الخَليفَةُ لِلرَّعِيَّةِ مَن إِذا
رَقَدَت وَطابَ لَها الكَرى لَم يَرقُدِ