
We were like rods and she made us listen,

كنا وقضبان وهي تسمعنا

1. We were like rods and she made us listen,
While the people prepared and proposed.

١. كُنّا وَقُضبان وَهيَ تُسمِعُنا
وَالقَومُ مِن مُطرِقٍ وَمُقتَرِحِ

2. We drank wine as if its intoxication in it
Was fire in the hands of playful boys.

٢. نَشرَبُ صِرفاً كَأَنَّ مسكَتَها بِهِ
نارٌ بِكَفّي ملاعِبِ مَرِحِ

3. Before us was a narcissus as if in it
Was an embrace of horses who journeyed from a wound.

٣. حاضِرُنا نَرجسٌ كَأَنَّ بِهِ
عِناقَ خَيلٍ سَفَرنَ عَن قَرحِ

4. And the people, each adorned their beauty,
Dragging the trains of joy.

٤. وَالقَومُ كُلّ أَعَدَّ زينَتَه
تَسحَبُ عِطفاهُ أَذيُلَ الفَرَحِ

5. Until when the cup overflowed with what
They had concealed for the sake of vivacious youth, and I did not reveal.

٥. حَتّى إِذا الكَأسُ باحَ بِما
أَخفوا لِحَيِّ الصبى وَلَم أَبُحِ

6. Then her reason sobered up, so for her
There was evil in the advisor and the sober.

٦. فَاِنتَصَحَت رَأيها فَكانَ لَها
شَرَّ مُشيرٍ وَشَرَّ مُنتَصِحِ

7. If she knew knowledge, the first thing
Debased to her would be my mouth.

٧. لَو تَعلَمُ العلم كُنت أَوَّل ما
مُبتَذل عِندَها فُمَطَّرحِ

8. She shouted, so they said chastity disgusted her.
Why, before this, was she not sober?

٨. صاحَت فَقالوا العَفاف نَفَّرَها
ما بالها قَبلَ ذاكَ لَم تَصِحِ

9. They left innocent, while I dragged myself
From the tail of a man prone to sins.

٩. راحوا بَراءً وَرحتُ أَسحَبُ من
ذَيل اِمرئٍ لِلذُّنوبِ مُجتَرِحِ