
Ask the dwellings of the living what has changed them,

سل ديار الحي ما غيرها

1. Ask the dwellings of the living what has changed them,
And erased them, and erased their aspect;

١. سَل دِيارَ الحَيِّ ما غَيَّرَها
وَمَحاها وَمَحا مَنظَرَها

2. They who, when they have been transformed,
Turn their good into evil.

٢. وَهيَ اللاتي إِذا ما اِنقَلَبَت
صَيَّرَت مَعروفَها مُنكَرَها

3. Verily the life of this world is only like a shadow that passes away.
We praise God who has decreed it thus.

٣. إِنَّما الدُّنيا كَظِلٍّ زائِلٍ
نَحمَدُ اللَّهَ كَذا قَدَّرَها