
Do you shun or stay aloof from pleasure?

أتعزف أم تقيم على التصابي

1. Do you shun or stay aloof from pleasure?
For blame for shunning pleasure has increased

١. أَتَعزِفُ أم تُقيمُ عَلى التَّصابي
فَقَد كَثُرَت مُناقَلَةُ العِتابِ

2. When abstinence from pleasure is mentioned
You recoil from its name like the rugged mountainside

٢. إِذا ذُكِرَ السُّلوُّ عَنِ التَّصابي
نَفَرتَ مِن اِسمِهِ نَفرَ الصِّعابِ

3. How can one blame the likes of you for shunning pleasure
You, the epitome of generosity and youth

٣. وَكَيفَ يُلامُ مِثلُكَ في التَّصابي
وَأَنتَ فَتى المَجانَةِ وَالشَّبابِ

4. I will abstain if you shun pleasure
So blame has enticed me to seek pleasure

٤. سَأَعزِفُ إِن عزَفت عَنِ التَّصابي
فَأَغرَتني المَلامَةُ بِالتَّصابي