1. I have not forgotten the beauty of the moment
Nor the secret glance that signals your affection
١. لَم أَنسَ حُسنَ المَوقِفِ
وَعَلامَةَ النَّظَرِ الخَفي
2. When I bid you farewell, your charms implore me to stay
So I answer, I cannot yet take my leave
٢. فَإِذا أَرَدتُ وَداعَها
قالَت مَحاسِنُها قِفِ
3. For I pine and yearn in sorrow
It is your love that has purified my passion
٣. فَأَجَبتُ لَستُ بِبارِح
مِن حَسرَةٍ وَتَلَهُّفِ
4. And taught me what I did not know
٤. بِهَواكِ صافيتُ الجَوى
وَعَرَفتُ ما لَم أَعرِفِ