
To Mecca the stupid man came not knowing

دبي إلى حرم ما كان أحمقه

1. To Mecca the stupid man came not knowing
That I am of Arabic nobility

١. دبي إِلى حَرمٍ ما كانَ أَحمَقَهُ
إِذ لَم يَقُل إِنَّني مِن سادَةِ العَرَبِ

2. Was he more helpless than a people I saw
Who boasted of pedigree in their old age

٢. أَكانَ أَعجَزُ مِن قَومٍ رَأَيتُهُمُ
تَسَوَّروا بَعدَ ما شابوا عَلى الحَسَبِ