
Do you travel though you're settled, longing for home?

أترحل تهوى مقيم

1. Do you travel though you're settled, longing for home?
By your life! That's a perilous risk to roam.

١. أَتَرحَلُ تَهوى مُقيمُ
لَعُمرُكَ إِنَّ ذا خَطرٌ جَسيمُ

2. If you're not to help the youths, then who is to blame
When time's trials have afflicted them with shame?

٢. إِذا ما كُنتَ لِلحَدَثانِ عَوناً
عَلَيكَ وَلِلزَّمانِ فَمَن تَلومُ