1. A drink to our gathering in which
Were brought together witticism and obedience in sitting
١. سَقياً لِمَجلِسِنا الَّذي جُمِعَت بِهِ
طُرَفُ الحَديثِ وَطاعَةُ الجُلاسِ
2. Me and Yahya like leaders among us
We were given drink and drank at times from the cup
٢. ظَلنا وَيَحيى كَالمُؤَمَّرِ بَينَنا
نُسقى وَنشرَبُ تارَةً بِالكَأسِ
3. In halves we drank, some of us from coffee
Pure which lights up like the flame of a lamp
٣. نِصفَينِ يَشرَبُ بَعضُنا مِن قَهوَة
صرف تُضيءُ كَشُعلَةِ المِقياسِ
4. And the others leaning towards the wine
Far apart if we compared them by measure
٤. وَالآخَرونَ عَلى النَّبيذِ عُكوفُهُم
شَتّانَ إِن قِسناهُما بِقِياسِ
5. Two between them which I likened
To a rod of myrtle between two myrtle boughs
٥. ثِنتانِ بَينَهُما الَّتي شَبَّهتُها
بِقَضيبِ آس بَينَ غُصنَي آسِ
6. No fault except that you were not
O son of Thu'ba of the Abbasids
٦. ما كانَ عَيبٌ غَير أَنَّكَ لَم تَكُن
يا اِبن الذُّؤابَةِ مِن بَني العَبَّاسِ
7. And if I mentioned you or Ali I did not cease to be
Sorrowful from anxiety and from morbid thoughts
٧. وَإِذا ذَكَرتُكَ أَو عَليّا لَم أَزَل
حَزنانَ مِن كَمَد وَمِن وُسواسِ