
Have you not seen that the best of people are most benevolent

ألم تر أن خير الناس أودى

1. Have you not seen that the best of people are most benevolent
So woe to people for the momentous event

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ خَيرَ النَّاسِ أَودى
فَيا للنَّاس للحَدَث العَظيمِ

2. May Allah reward you on the day we lost you
With the reward of the righteous and merciful parent

٢. جَزاكَ اللَّهُ يَومَ فَقَدتَ عَنّا
جَزاءَ الوالِدِ البَرِّ الرَّحيمِ

3. If only you had lived, and even when deceased
Followed the straight path as you did in life

٣. وُليتَ فَلَم تَزَل حَيّاً وَمَيتاً
عَلى نَهجِ الطَّريقِ المُستَقيمِ

4. You entrusted the caliphate to one fit to rule it
Not Hakim’s son nor a Habashi usurper

٤. وَوَلَّيتَ الخِلافَةَ سايسيها
فَلا حكش وَلا اِبن أَبي حَكيمِ