
My tearful lament summoned tears from my eyes,

دعا شجوى دموع العين مني

1. My tearful lament summoned tears from my eyes,
The tears rushed upon my garb,

١. دَعا شَجوى دُموعَ العَينِ مِنِّي
فَبادَرتِ الدُّموعُ عَلى ثِيابي

2. And my heart said: your call led me to my doom,
With purpose, and drowned me in torment.

٢. وَقالَ القَلبُ سَمعُكَ ساقَ حَتفي
عَلى عَمدٍ وَأَغرَقَ في عَذابي

3. My hearing said: your call caused my demise
With the harshest punishment that can be.

٣. فَقالَت سَمعُكَ الجاني هَلاكي
بِأَغلَظَ ما يَكونُ مِنَ العِقابِ

4. Be not neglectful and lose me, lest I remain
Without a heart until the Day of Reckoning.

٤. وَلا تَغفَل فَتفقِدني فَأَبقى
بِلا قَلبٍ إِلى يَومِ الحِسابِ

5. For I reside among the specters of death,
Abiding between claws and fangs.

٥. فَإِنِّي بَينَ أَطيافِ المَنايا
مُقيمٌ بَينَ أَظفارٍ وَنابِ

6. Hearing said, when I admonished it
For loving an impudent and spiteful flirt:

٦. فَقالَ السَّمعُ حينَ عَتَبتُ لمهُ
على حُبِّ الخدَلَّجَةِ الكعابِ

7. And I disliked the words of a cheating charmer,
So paying attention to him was hard for me.

٧. وَعَيتُ كَلامَ مُكتَحِلٍ غَريرٍ
فَأَعياني لَهُ رَجعُ الجَوابِ

8. I relayed the words but did not respond to him,
To the heart enamored with self-indulgence.

٨. فَأَدَّيتُ الكَلامَ وَلَم أجِبهُ
إِلى القَلبِ المولَّع بِالتَّصابي

9. So punish your obstinate heart,
And spare me, cease imposing penalty on me.

٩. فَعاقِب قَلبَكَ المِلجاجَ فيهِ
وَدَعني لا تَنطَّع في عِقابي

10. I said: you spoke true and chastened my heart,
And did not impose blame upon my eyes.

١٠. فَقُلتُ صَدَّقَتني وَعَذَلَت قَلبي
وَلَم أحمِل عَلى عَيني عِتابي

11. The heart replied: for you have fallen
In love with a princess who shuns my approach.

١١. فَقالَ القَلبُ ثُمَّ أَقَرَّ ها قَد
عَشِقتَ أَميرَةً تَهوى اِجتِنابي

12. Be patient - she has made you drink a cup of love
Whose boiling causes her veil to flutter.

١٢. تَصَبَّر قَد سَقَينَكَ كَأسَ عِشقٍ
حُمَيَّاها تَجول على الحِجابِ

13. She spoils your food and all your living
And mixes your drink with what distresses you.

١٣. تُنَغِّصُكَ الطَّعامَ وَكُلَّ عَيشٍ
وَتَمزُج ما يَسوؤك بِالشَّرابِ

14. I said: you have sundered the firm bond between us
And stuck my cheek to the dust.

١٤. فَقُلتُ لَهُ قَطَعتَ الصُّلبَ مِنّي
وَقَد أَلصَقتَ خَدِّي بِالتُّرابِ

15. Maybe you have been tasked with loving chaff?
The heart said: I have filled what was between us.

١٥. لَعَلَّكَ قَد كَلِفتَ بِحُبِّ قَصف
فَقالَ القَلبُ قَد قَرطَست ما بي

16. I said: you have killed me and wasted my body
And foretold my soul of departure.

١٦. فَقُلتُ قَتَلتَني وَأَذَبتَ جِسمي
وَقَد آذَنتَ روحي بِالذّهابِ

17. Soon, without doubt,
I will be laid out among my companions because of what is between us.

١٧. كَأَنّي عَن قَليلٍ غَير شك
مُسَجَّى بَينَ أَصحابي لِما بي

18. Why do I not die, when my soul's fancy
Estranges me and spurns drawing near?

١٨. وَما لي لا أَموتُ وَهَمُّ نَفسي
يُباعِدُني وَيَزهَدُ في اِقتِرابي

19. When I pledge to it the pact of passion,
It makes its pledge as a mirage.

١٩. إِذا عاهَدتُهُ عَهدَ التَّصابي
يُصَيِّرُ عَهدَهُ لَمعَ السَّرابِ

20. It wants by this to torment and provoke me,
And make union seem a delusion.

٢٠. يُريدُ بِذاكَ تَعذيبي وَغَيظي
وَتَصييرَ الوِصالِ إِلى تَبابِ

21. It did not pity my pleading and exertion
And what I suffered from prolonged melancholy.

٢١. وَلَم يَرحَم مُطالَبَتي وَجَهدي
وَما لاقيتُ من طول اكتِئابِ

22. Its estrangement afflicted my heart with harm
And spoiled the clothes that I wore.

٢٢. أَصابَ جَفاؤُهُ قَلبي بِضُرٍّ
وَأَخلَقَ ما لَبِستُ مِنَ الثِّيابِ

23. And it handed me from behind, against me,
In its left palm, a stern scripture.

٢٣. وَناوَلَني وَراءَ الظَّهرِ مِنِّي
بِيُسرى الكَفِّ في غِلَظ كِتابي

24. How can you show me tenderness, that I may desire,
When I visit, it goes too far in insulting me?

٢٤. فَكَيفَ تَلَطُّفي لِأَغَرَّ أَحوَى
إِذا ما زُرتُ أَسرَفَ في سبابي

25. I had been wealthy, but poverty of spirit
Did not drive me to love trinkets.

٢٥. لَقَد كُنتُ الغَني فَلَم يُجِرني
شَقاءُ الجَدِّ مِن حُبِّ الخِلابِ