
My youth - I did not spurn its company,

أما شبابي فلم أذمم صحابته

1. My youth - I did not spurn its company,
And age, when it uncovered me, added devotion.

١. أَمَّا شَبابي فَلَم أَذمُم صَحابَتَهُ
وَالشَّيبُ حينَ عَلاني زادَني وَرَعا

2. I came to be between youth and elder
Cloaked in the garb of youth with the garb of age content.

٢. أَصبَحتُ بَينَ الفَتى وَالشَّيخ مُرتَدِياً
ثَوبَ الشَّبابِ بِثَوبِ الشَّيبِ مُقتَنِعا

3. In age there is wellness if baldness has not come,
For that and this are disgrace when joined together.

٣. في الشَّيبِ عافِيَة ما لَم يَكُن صَلَعٌ
فَإِنَّ ذاكَ وَذا عارٌ إِذا اِجتَمَعا

4. The color of gray hair, when I have grayed, hides it,
But what can the color of dye hide when baldness comes?

٤. لَونُ المَشيبِ إِذا ما شِبتُ يَستُرُه
لَونُ الخضابِ فَما ذا يَستُرُ الصَّلَعا