1. What ails him and his son, that they
Did not marry an Arab woman?
١. ما بالهُ وَاِبنهُ لَم
يزَّوَجا عَرَبيَّهْ
2. Nor did his father, for all
Their clannishness, do this thing.
٢. وَلا أَبوهُ عَلى ما
بِهِم مِنَ العَصَبِيَّهْ
3. But when they came of age
For mature affairs,
٣. لكِنَّهُم حينَ صاروا
إِلى الأُمورِ السَنِيَّهْ
4. They indulged their whims
And sought only self-interest.
٤. قَد أَبعَدوا في التمَنِّي
وَأرغبوا في العَطِيَّهْ
5. May God not bless the hasty
And the cliquishness of Dulfiyah
٥. فَلا جَزى اللَّهُ عجلاً
وَالعُصبَةَ الدُلفِيَّهْ
6. With good, nor leave any remnant of them.
Say to us, O fair-faced ones, say honestly,
٦. خَيراً وَلا تَركَ الْل
هُ فيهم مِن بَقِيَّهْ
7. How do you explain staying clear
Of the shame of this calamity?
٧. قولوا لَنا يا بَني ال
حسنِ قَولَةً مُستَوِيَّهْ
8. For we have seen no standard for you
In front of the cavalry,
٨. ماذا إِلَيهِ اِنصَرَفتُم
عَن خزيِ هذي البَلِيَّهْ
9. Nor seen any leader of you
Commanding the army,
٩. فَما رَأَينا لِواءً
لَكُم أَمامَ السَرِيَّهْ
10. Nor seen steeds being led,
Every evening,
١٠. وَلا رَأَينا أَميراً
مِنكُم عَلى العشرِيَّهْ
11. Nor hoped you would hold
An everlasting administration,
١١. وَلا رَأَينا جِياداً
تقادُ كُلَّ عَشِيَّهْ
12. Nor heard you give judgment on the Day of Judgment.
Is it not to tavern and wine
١٢. وَلا طَمعنا لَكُم في
وِلايَةٍ خلدِيَّهْ
13. And all this cruelties?
١٣. وَلا سَمِعنا لكم في الْ
قُضاةِ يَومَ القَضِيَّهْ
١٤. أَما إِلى مِجَن
وَكُلّ هذا قِسِيَّهْ