
O you who saw a figure transcending figures

يا من رأى صورة فاقت على الصور

1. O you who saw a figure transcending figures
O you who saw a moon fairer than the moon

١. يا مَن رَأى صورَةً فاقَت عَلى الصُّوَر
يا مَن رَأى قَمَراً أَبهى مِنَ القَمَرِ

2. You imagined it unveiled until when it was unveiled
The rocks said to it, "O you, be covered!"

٢. تُخيلَت حاسِراً حَتَّى إِذا حَسَرَت
قالَ الصُّدودُ لَها يا هذِهِ اِستَتِري

3. So it brought out a cheek and concealed its graces
By His bounty and removed the waist wrapper

٣. فَأَبرَزَت رَدناً وَارَت مَحاسِنَها
بِفَضلِهِ وَأَزاحَت عازِبَ الخَصرِ

4. It slept while the starry flocks were trembling
O sleep, how could you, don't you feel ashamed before my wakefulness

٤. نامَت وَبِتُّ أُراعي النَّجمَ مُرتَفِقاً
يا نَومَ حَمل أَما اِستَحيَيتَ مِن سَهَري