
Blame's darkness assailed me, yet

ردت علي اللوم ظلامة

1. Blame's darkness assailed me, yet
I'll not be overcome by censurers;

١. رَدَّت عَلَيَّ اللَومَ ظَلّامَةٌ
وَيحَكِ لا أُغلَبُ بِالعاذِلين

2. Can a frail neighbor confine her soul
To her body, Ibn Bint's robust daughter?

٢. هَل يَحبُسُ النَفسَ عَلى جِسمِها
جارٌ هَزيلٌ وَاِبنُ بِنتٍ سَمين

3. She came to blame me unjustly,
Then turned her face from manifest truth;

٣. قَد أَقبَلَت تَعذُلُني باطِلاً
وَاِنصَرَفَت عَن وَجهِ حَقٍّ مُبين

4. I'll not take greed to my grave
That you may eat greed with the gluttons;

٤. لا أَحمِلُ البُخلَ إِلى حُفرَتي
لِتَأكُلي البُخلَ مَعَ الآكِلين

5. Who will inform my clan, though they be near,
And the preachers' hearing far removed?

٥. مَن مُبلِغٌ قَومي عَلى قُربِهِم
وَبُعدِ أَسماعٍ عَنِ الواعِظين

6. Rouse yourselves, for long has been your slumber;
After it, I reckon, you'll not sleep again;

٦. هُبّوا فَقَد طالَت بِكُم رَقدَةٌ
مِن بَعدِها أَحسَبُ لا تَرقُدون

7. Urge on the steeds of earnestness with you,
Whispering among men or making excuses;

٧. حُثّوا مَطايا الجِدِّ تُرقِل بِكُم
ناجينَ بَينَ الناسِ أَو مُعذَرين

8. Wondrous is the adviser who was not obeyed,
Many resolute men went astray among the ignorant;

٨. يا عَجَباً مِن ناصِحٍ لَم يُطَع
كَم حازِمٍ قَد ضاعَ في جاهِلين

9. He saw an evil they did not see,
He was anxious while they rejoiced;

٩. رَأى مِنَ الشَرِّ الَّذي لَم يَرَوا
وَكانَ يَهتَمُّ وَهُم يَفرَحون

10. I see the enemies firmly entrenched,
Trenches you yourselves are digging;

١٠. إِنّي أَرى الأَعداءَ قَد رَسَّخوا
دَواهِياً أَنتُم لَها حافِرون

11. Ask the halls of empire about a band
Who long ago were loyal to them;

١١. سَلوا قِبابَ المُلكِ عَن مَعشَرٍ
كانوا لَها مِن قَبلِكُم مُبتَنين

12. They will tell you about a time that went on
Oppressing the people while they played;

١٢. تُخبِركُمُ عَن زَمَنٍ لَم يَزَل
يَجِدُّ بِالقَومِ وَهُم يَلعَبون

13. Such are you now, and the like of what
May happen to two similar things;

١٣. كَذاكَ ما أَنتُم عَلَيهِ وَما
أَشبَهُ ما كانَ لِشَيإِن يَكون

14. You embraced dreams in a sofa
That will grow thorns for you after a while;

١٤. عانَقتُمُ الأَحلامَ في مَضجَعٍ
سَيُنبِتُ الشَوكَ لَكُم بَعدَ حين

15. Would that my neighbor were a band
Who, if they trust not in God, fear Him.

١٥. يا لَهفَ قُربايَ عَلى مَعشَرٍ
إِن لَم تَثِق بِاللَهِ ما يَتَّقون