
Have you seen how they set about

أرأيت كيف بدا ليقتلنا

1. Have you seen how they set about
To slay me, the cheek, the moon, the bough,

١. أَرَأَيتَ كَيفَ بَدا لِيَقتُلَنا
ذاكَ الرَشا وَالبَدرُ وَالغُصنُ

2. With a face white as jasmine petals,
While jet black are their eyes - beauty wells!

٢. بِبَياضِ وَجهٍ مَع عُيونِ ظِبا
بِسَوادِها فَتَكامَلَ الحُسنُ