
My love has died and my youth has vanished

مات الهوى مني وضاع شبابي

1. My love has died and my youth has vanished
I've had my fill of pleasures and delights

١. ماتَ الهَوى مِنّي وَضاعَ شَبابي
وَقَضَيتُ مِن لَذّاتِهِ آرابي

2. And when I want some fun in a gathering
Gray hairs just laugh at me with friends outright

٢. وَإِذا أَرَدتُ تَصابِياً في مَجلِسٍ
فَالشَيبُ يَضحَكُ لي مَعَ الأَصحابِ