1. And a well from which we drank sweet water
And the sapling of vegetation thriving by it
١. وَبِئرٍ شَرِبنا بِها عَذبَةً
وَطِفلُ النَباتِ بِها مُنتَعِش
2. So I opened by it a bag of camphor
From the earth its stream gushing
٢. فَتِقتُ بِها جَيبَ كافورَةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ جَدوَلُها مُنتَقِش
3. It tears apart the skins of the thirsty fruit
When it sucks the water of the thirsty fruit
٣. يُمَزِّقُ رَيّا جُلودِ الثَما
رِ إِذا مَصَّ ماءَ الثِمارِ العَطَش
4. It guarantees life for its trees
When its stream flows trembling
٤. كَفيلٌ لِأَشجارِها بِالحَيا
ةِ إِذا ما جَرى خِلتَهُ يَرتَعِش