
By my father, no harm shall come to you from the grave

بأبي ما يجن منك الضريح

1. By my father, no harm shall come to you from the grave
You were good in life and in death, your body and soul at peace

١. بِأَبي ما يَجُنُّ مِنكَ الضَريحُ
طِبتَ ذِكراً وَطابَ جِسمٌ وَريحُ

2. You were as you were to me, but you died against my wishes
Would that I had died, and you had lived on, healthy and well

٢. كُنتَ ما كُنتَ لي فَمُتَّ بِرُغمي
لَيتَني مِتُّ أَنا وَأَنتَ صَحيحُ

3. I abandoned his grave, so death and fate rose against me
Say: only the Most High God knows what shall come to pass

٣. هَجَرتُ قَبرَهُ فَقامَت مَواثي
قُ العُلى وَالنُهى عَلَيهِ تَنوحُ