
Behold the beauty of the crescent that appears

انظر إلى حسن هلال بدا

1. Behold the beauty of the crescent that appears
Ripping through the veil with its radiant light

١. اِنظُر إِلى حُسنِ هِلالٍ بَدا
يَهتِكُ مِن أَنوارِهِ الحِندِسا

2. Like a finely wrought silver sickle
Reaping narcissus flowers from the thickets of night

٢. كَمِنجَلٍ قَد صيغَ مِن فِضَّةٍ
يَحصُدُ مِن زُهرِ الدُجى نَرجِسا