1. He urged me with a cup, at dawn or in its first light,
A cross, the sign of his faith, tied at his waist,
١. قَد حَثَّني بِالكَأسِ أَو في فَجرِهِ
ساقٍ عَلامَةُ دينِهِ في خَصرِه
2. As if the redness of his cheek matched its color,
And as if the scent of his breath came from its aroma.
٢. وَكَأَنَّ حُمرَةَ خَدِّهِ في لَونِها
وَكَأَنَّ طَيبَ رِياحِها مِن نَشرِه
3. When he poured the wine, he smiled,
Baring teeth behind lips - I thought them one and the same.
٣. حَتّى إِذا صَبَّ المِزاجَ تَبَسَّمَت
عَن ثِغرِها فَحَسِبتُها عَن ثَغرِه
4. O night that kept the jealous wakeful
From a lover whose modesty was rent in love!
٤. يا لَيلَةً شَغَلَ الرُقادُ غَيورَها
عَن عاشِقٍ في الحُبِّ هَتكَةُ سَترِه
5. If you do not return to the lovelorn another time,
You have erred against him in his fate.
٥. إِن لَم تَعودي لِلمُتَيَّمِ مَرَّةً
أُخرى فَإِنَّكَ غَلطَةٌ مِن دَهرِه
6. His eyes still keep their promises to me,
And I think his spittle comes from wine.
٦. ما زالَ يُنجِزُ لي مَواعِدَ عَينِهِ
فَمُهُ وَأَحسَبُ ريقَهُ مِن خَمرِه
7. When panic stirred in his heart,
It cut off consolation from one affliction did not soothe.
٧. وَإِذا تَحَرَّكَ ذُعرُهُ في قَلبِهِ
قَطَعَ الشَفاءَ عَلى ضَنىً لَم يُبرِه