
O soul, patience, patience

يا نفس صبرا صبرا

1. O soul, patience, patience
Don't you know life's nature?

١. يا نَفسِ صَبراً صَبرا
أَما عَرِفتِ الدَهرا

2. I have a heart for God
That welcomes tribulations with gratitude

٢. لِلَّهِ مِنّي قَلبٌ
يَقري البَلايا شُكرا

3. O Lord of a harsh night
That weighed heavily on me

٣. يا رَبُّ لَيلٍ قاسٍ
كَأَنَّ عَلَيَّ قُرّا

4. I watched it with my eyes
Until I saw the dawn

٤. سَرَيتُهُ بِعَيني
حَتّى رَأَيتُ الفَجرا

5. As if he who made it
Had flown from me like an eagle

٥. كَأَنَّما سَناهُ
أَطارَ عَنّي نَسرا

6. And my worries gathered
Until they filled my chest

٦. وَاِستَجمَعَت هُمومي
حَتّى مَلَأنَ الصَدرا

7. My eyes tasted from the enemies
A bitter glance

٧. ذاقَت مِنَ الأَعادي
عَينايَ لَحظاً مُرّا

8. Loyalty faded from them
And they secretly betrayed me

٨. ضاعَ الوَفاءُ مِنهُم
وَأَضمَروا لي الغَدرا

9. O soul, I had a people
Who were noble flowers

٩. يا نَفسِ لي بِقَومٍ
كانوا كِراماً زُهرا

10. They passed in the prime of my life
And left me with evil

١٠. مَضَوا بِخَيرِ عُمُري
وَتَرَكوا لِيَ الشَرّا

11. And when they died
I could find no excuse to live

١١. وَلَم أَجِد إِذا ماتوا
لي في الحَياةِ عُذرا

12. They lived in the best times
As rain for those times

١٢. عاشوا بِخَيرِ عَصرٍ
سَقياً لِذاكَ عَصرا

13. I was told my people
Had buried treachery for me

١٣. نُبِّئتُ أَنَّ قَومي
قَد دَفَنوا لي مَكرا

14. My life was long for them
So they hastened my grave for me

١٤. طالَ عَلَيهِم عُمري
فَاِستَعجَلوا بي القَبرا

15. They cast off my cloak when
They saw my continued pride

١٥. رَدّوا رِدائي لَمّا
رَأوا بَقائي فَخرا

16. As if, on the day I die,
Do not hurry life

١٦. كَأَنَّهُم بِيَومي
فَلاتَحُثّوا العُمرا

17. Is it the stranger's fault
If they were not strangers?

١٧. هَل لِلأَغَرِّ ذَنبٌ
إِن لَم يَكونوا غُرّا

18. I sheathed my sword from you
And I had already won

١٨. أَغمَدتُ عَنكُمُ سَيفي
وَقَد مَلَكتُ النَصرا

19. In protection and kindness
For my womb and forgiveness

١٩. صِيانَةً وَعَطفاً
لِرَحِمي وَغَفرا

20. And not every time
Can water extinguish embers

٢٠. وَليسَ كُلُّ وَقتٍ
يُطفِئُ ماءٌ جَمرا

21. If fate has pained you
And brought you bliss

٢١. أَإِن أَلَمَّ دَهرٌ
جاءَ بِكُم وَسُرّا

22. Have you recompensed nobly
He who smiled and was kind to you?

٢٢. كَفَّرتُمُ كَريماً
حَنَّ لَكُم وَدَرّا

23. Have you wearied his hands
With life's vicissitudes?

٢٣. أَتعَبتُمُ يَدَيهِ
بِالقَلَباتِ دَهرا

24. With a spacious, echoing environment
A thirsty traveler is frugal

٢٤. وَمَهمَهٍ رَحيبٍ
ظَمآنَ يُضني السَفَرا

25. Danger emerges in desolation
The surging waves of clouds

٢٥. يَخطِرُ في فَلاةٍ
مَوجُ السَحابِ خَطَرا

26. The beasts of burden were devoured
With the nomads for a month

٢٦. فَاِبتَلَعَ المَطايا
مَعَ الحُداةِ شَهرا

27. How many noble sons of houses
Whose freedom I disdained

٢٧. كَم مِن عَبيدِ دارٍ
ظَعَنتُ عَنهُم حُرّا

28. With noble character
Without leaving a single enemy among them

٢٨. ذا خُلُقٍ كَريمٍ
لَم يُبقِ فيهِم عَقرا

29. And authentic lineage
That speaks openly about me

٢٩. وَنَسَبٍ صَحيحٍ
يَنطُقُ عَنّي جَهرا

30. They wandered in the darkness after me
And I was their dawn

٣٠. خاضوا الظَلامَ بَعدي
وَكُنتُ فيهِم فَجرا