
I pleased myself until my camels were content

راض نفسي حتى ترضيت إبلي

1. I pleased myself until my camels were content
Long ago, souls obeyed it

١. راضَ نَفسي حَتّى تَرَضَّيتُ إِبلي
سُ قَديماً قَد طاوَعَتهُ النُفوسُ

2. How much I wanted to meet, but Khandaris did not leave me
A peacock leads them

٢. كَم أَرَدتُ التَقى فَما تَرَكَتني
خَندَريسٌ يُديرُها طاوُوسُ

3. They settled them in the lowlands since the days of Noah
Like darkness in which there is an imprisoned daylight

٣. أَسكَنوها في الدُنِّ مِن عَهدِ نوحٍ
كَظَلامٍ فيهِ نَهارٌ حَبيسُ

4. Treatment brings out the best in them and they suffer
In shades as the bride is protected

٤. يَخرِجُ العِلجُ خَيرَها وَتُعاني
في ظِلالٍ كَما تُصانُ العَروسُ

5. And they are nothing to me, neither this nor that
This is Saad who has been abandoned by misfortunes

٥. وَهيَ عِندي لا ذا وَلا ذا وَهَذا
هِيَ سَعدٌ قَد فارَقَتهُ النُحوسُ

6. What beauty do the lowly world hide from the onlooker, and what beauty made apparent by cups?
My drinking companion, serve me drinks for dawn has arrived and the bell has tolled

٦. أَيُّ حُسنٍ تُخفي الدُنانُ مِنَ الرا
حِ وَحُسنٍ تَبديهِ مِنها الكُؤوسُ

7. From a heap as if it were land of incense
In its regions implanted pearls

٧. يا نَديمَيَّ إِسقِياني فَقَد لا
حَ صَباحٌ وَأَذَّنَ الناقوسُ

8. Evil laughed when it saw I had grown old and said the vines had withered
I said that there is still grace in my youth

٨. مِن كُمَيتٍ كَأَنَّها أَرضُ تِبرٍ
في نَواحيهِ لُؤلُؤٌ مَغروسُ

9. Then it said this is borrowed youth
I have enjoyed what has satisfied me, when I was weaned from frivolity and accustomed to solitude

٩. ضَحِكَت شُرُّ إِذ رَأَتني قَد شِب
تُ وَقالَت قَد فُضَّضَ الآبَنوسُ

10. And my heart is like lines on paper, and my cheek planted with my beard

١٠. قُلتُ إِنَّ الشَبابَ فِيَّ لَباقٍ
بَعدُ قالَت هَذا شَبابٌ لَبيسُ

١١. قَد تَمَتَّعتُ ما كَفاني إِذ رَب
عي مِنَ اللَهوِ وَالصِبا مَأنوسُ

١٢. وَفُؤادي مِثلُ القَناةِ مِنَ الخَط
طِ وَخَدّي مِن لِحيَتي مَكنوسُ