
Death from one who abandons me, I am tortured by it

الموت من غادر أعذب به

1. Death from one who abandons me, I am tortured by it
His promise deceives me, and who do I have with him

١. المَوتُ مِن غادِرٍ أُعَذَّبُ بِه
يَخدَعُني وَعدُهُ وَمَن لِيَ بِه

2. Separation in his actions and his moments
And union in his words and in his books

٢. الهَجرُ في فِعلِهِ وَلَحظَتِهِ
وَالوَصلُ في قَولِهِ وَفي كُتُبِه

3. Moving among people, sharing love with thousands
Yet I do not share him

٣. مُنتَقِلٌ في الأَنامِ يُشرِكُ في ال
حُبِّ أُلوفاً وَلَستُ أُشرِكُ بِه

4. O oblivious to my pain, disturbing me
The fate of a lover, while you play with him

٤. يا غافِلاً عَن جَوايَ يُقلِقُني
حَسبُ مُحِبٍّ وَأَنتَ تَلعَبُ بِه