1. Do you not see lightning, what is it doing
With a teardrop the long separation has dried up
١. أَلا تَرَيانِ البَرقِ ما هُوَ صانِعُ
بِدَمعَةِ صَبٍّ شَفَّهُ النَأيُ وَالشَحطُ
2. God has quenched it for evil while its flowing is goodness
It has no power over the clouds or drought
٢. مِنَ اللَهِ سُقياهُ لِشُرٍّ وَجَودُهُ
وَلَيسَ لَها سَحُّ الغَمامِ وَلا القَحطُ
3. And from God’s mercy which I hope for
And await nearness to the shrine though they were unkind
٣. وَمِن رَحمَةِ اللَهِ الَّتي أَنا آمِلٌ
وَمُنتَظِرٌ قُربَ المَزارِ وَإِن شَطّوا
4. If we gather after separation, we have no
Reproach or anger at the deeds of fate
٤. فَإِن نَجتَمِع بَعدَ الفِراقِ فَما لَنا
عَلى فَعَلاتِ الدَهرِ عَتبٌ وَلا سُخطُ
5. Do you see what has been seen from companions
Whose judgment of me discards truth, they are quick to judge
٥. أَلا هَل تَرَوا ما قَد رَأى مِن مُعاشِرٍ
لَهُم فِيَّ حُكمٌ يَهجُرُ الحَقَّ مُشتَطُّ
6. They spread what I chided them for in my youth
When I was wise and anger was kindled
٦. يُذيعونَ ما أَعتَبتُهُم في شَبيبَتي
عَلى حينَ أَن ذَكَّيتُ وَاِشتَعَلَ الوَخطُ
7. Verily it is the mother of wonders, so be patient
Even if you have not met its like before
٧. أَلا إِنَّها أُمُّ العَجائِبِ فَاِصطَبِر
وَإِن كُنتَ ما لُقّيتَ أَمثالَها قَطُّ
8. When they see good, they refuse and carry
Evil back to their homes or scatter it if they see it
٨. إِذا ما رَأَوا خَيراً أَبَوا وَتَحَمَّلوا
إِلى بَيتِهِم أَو إِن رَأَوا شِرَّةً حَطّوا
9. Verily my forbearance is vast if you reform
With my forbearance while some of it is hunger and trial
٩. أَلا إِنَّ حِلمي واسِعٌ إِن صَلُحتُمُ
بِحِلمي وَعِندي بَعضُهُ الجوعُ وَالخَمطُ
10. So do not increase thorns that prick in your branches
Lest breaking and splitting increase from me among you
١٠. فَلا تُكثِروا شَوكَ الأَذى في غُصونَكُم
فَيَكثُرَ مِنّي فيكُمُ الكَسرُ وَالخَبطُ
11. For your nearness, while you have rebelled
There is no pact or vow on the sword-day of turmoil
١١. وَلَيسَ لِقُرباكُم وَأَنتُم عَقَقتُمُ
عَلى السَيفِ يَومَ الرَوعِ عَهدٌ وَلا شَرطُ
12. No womb but that you have estranged it
Tearing it like shredded scrolls
١٢. وَلا رَحِمٌ إِلّا وَقَد شُجِبَت بِكُم
وَمَزَّقتُموها مِثلَ ما مُزِّقَ المِرطُ
13. Traces of affection between us will be erased
While we are cousins, like the comb disjoined
١٣. سَتَدرُسُ آثارُ المَحَبَّةِ بَينَنا
وَنَحنُ بَنو عَمٍّ كَما اِنفَرَجَ المِشطُ
14. You rejected my hand, so its reins are freed
To others when it is pulled to tie
١٤. كَفَرتُم يَدي فيكُم فَحُلَّ عِقالُها
إِلى غَيرِكُم لَمّا يُشَدُّ لَها رَبطُ
15. I was only a giver from God’s hand
Verily withholding and releasing are in His grip
١٥. وَما كُنتُ إِلّا مِن يَدِ اللَهِ مُعطِياً
أَلا أَنَّهُ في كَفِّهِ القَبضُ وَالبَسطُ
16. Is there among you reproach so a benefactor returns
With the eye of approval and pardon, its reception a gift?
١٦. وَهَل عِندَكُم عَتبي فَيَرجِعَ مُحسِنٌ
بِعَينِ الرِضا وَالعَفوِ نائِلُهُ بَسطُ
17. Otherwise, I will remove the matter from me and you
And be as if I have no tribe among you
١٧. وَإِلّا عَزَلتُ الأَمرَ عَنّي وَعَنكُمُ
وَكُنتُ كَأَنّي لَيسَ لي مِنكُمُ رَهطُ
18. Or is there in this for you anything but a gasp
That ascends in the chests and descends
١٨. وَهَل لَكُمُ مِن هَذِهِ غَيرُ زَفرَةٍ
تُصَعَّدُ مِنكُم في الصُدورِ وَتَنحَطُّ
19. Otherwise only threats, his troops untroubled,
And snakes in their lurking-places, coiled
١٩. وَإِلّا وَعيدٌ لا يَسيرُ بِجُندِهِ
وَحَيّاتُ ضِغنٍ في مَكامِنِها رُقطُ
20. So whoever is sick, I am his doctor
Whoever insane, I have a remedy for him
٢٠. فَمَن يَكُ ذا سِلمٍ فَإِنّي طَبيبُهُ
وَمَن يَكُ مَجنوناً فَعِندي لَهُ سَعطُ
21. You hid when fortune smiles then does not
So do not mention me by name when distress grips it
٢١. فَغانَيتُمُ إِن مَسَّ حالُكُمُ الغِنى
فَلا تَصرَحوا بِاِسمي إِذا مَسَّها الضَغطُ
22. When the rings of fate close in around you
And its right hand fans your hide, a gift
٢٢. إِذا ما اِلتَقَت حَلقاتُ دَهرٍ عَلَيكُمُ
فَيُمنى يَدَيهِ في أَديمُكُمُ عَطُّ
23. And at the height of fortune, its decline is feared
Like the drowned man has rain then drought
٢٣. وَعِندَ كَمالِ الحَظِّ يُخشى زَوالُهُ
كَما لِغَريقِ اللُجَّةِ الرَيُّ وَالقَحطُ
24. Did the branch of glory elevate me and I climbed it
While the belly of lowland held you back?
٢٤. أَأَن مَدَّني فَرعُ العُلى فَعَلَوتُهُ
وَأَمسَكَكُم بَطنُ القَرارَةِ وَالهَبطُ
25. You resent the great ordinance of God
It will go on with whatever increases confusion
٢٥. سَخَطتُم عَلى اللَهِ العَظيمِ قَضائَهُ
سَيَمضي بِما فيهِ إِذا كَثُرَ اللَغطُ
26. O you who are rightfully beyond words to a listener
And essence of wisdom no scattered bits can pick up
٢٦. فَيا لَكَ حَقّاً لا يُقالُ لِسامِعٍ
وَجَوهَرَ حُكمٍ ما لِمَنثورِهِ لَقطُ