1. O you whose name my tongue does not dare utter
Oblivious are you to the plight of this lovelorn sufferer
١. يا مَن بِهِ صَمَمٌ عَنِ الشَكوى
وَتَغافُلٌ عَن صاحِبِ البَلوى
2. If your name escapes my lips, it slays me
And here is burdened with grief over you forever
٢. إِن بُحتَ بِاِسمِكَ فَهوَ يَقتُلُني
وَهُناكَ تُثكَلُ مِنِّيَ الثَكلى
3. I traveled with hopes of attaining you in vain
Yearning for your love though goals not attained
٣. سافَرتُ بِالآمالِ فيكَ فَلَم
تَبلُغ وِصالَكَ وَاِنثَنَت حَسرى
4. Alas the hearts through eyes have wept amain
As if resurrected already while life remains
٤. وَيحَ القُلوبِ مِنَ العُيونِ لَقَد
قامَت قِيامَتُهُنَّ في الدُنيا