1. Bitterly grieving the spite of enemies,
His thoughts aspire to the heights of glory.
١. نَؤومٌ عَلى غَيظِ الأَعادِ مُحَسَّدٌ
لِأَعلى مَراقي العِزِّ تَسمو خَواطِرُه
2. When enviers seek to harm a man,
His virtues and achievements adorn them.
٢. إِذا ما أَرادَ الحاسِدونَ مِنِ اِمرِئٍ
يَزينُهُمُ أَخلاقُهُ وَمَآثِرُه
3. If he becomes self-sufficient, he finds guidance in their need;
Yet the needy are not guided to him.
٣. إِذا ما هُوَ اِستَغنى اِهتَدى لِاِفتِقارِهِم
وَلا يَهتَدي يَوماً إِلَيهِ مُفاقِرُه
4. O you who find fault while fault fills your heart,
Consider awhile - you are not one I fear.
٤. وَيا عائِبي وَالعَيبُ حَشوُ فُؤادِهِ
تَأَمَّل رُوَيداً لَستَ مِمَن أُحاذِرُه
5. You were honored like a star in its rising,
But it declined on you, soaked you in its showers.
٥. وَكُنتَ كَرامٍ كَوكَباً بِبِصاقِهِ
فَرُدَّ عَلَيهِ وَبلُهُ وَمَواطِرُه