1. He recognized the house, so he greeted and cried
After being awake and taking rest
١. عَرَفَ الدارَ فَحَيّا وَناحا
بَعدَما كانَ صَحا وَاِستَراحا
2. He insisted on visiting it while it refused
Except to spread its wings to fly
٢. ظَلَّ يَلحاهُ العَذولُ وَيَأبى
في عِنانِ العَذلِ إِلّا جِماحا
3. Teach me how to travel, else
Take from my eyelashes the salt
٣. عَلِّمونِ كَيفَ أَسلو وَإِلّا
فَخُذوا عَن مُقلَتَيَّ المِلاحا
4. Who saw lightning illuminating the darkness
His sharp teeth pierced the night shining
٤. مَن رَأى بَرقاً يُضيءُ اِلتِماحا
ثَقَبَ اللَيلَ سَناهُ فَلاحا
5. It was as if the lightning was an open Quran
Folding and unfolding at times
٥. فَكَأَنَّ البَرقَ مُصحَفُ قارٍ
فَاِنطِباقاً مَرَّةً وَاِنفِتاحا
6. In abundant rainwater that was too narrow
Wherever the wind took it, it flowed
٦. في رُكامٍ ضاقَ بِالماءِ ذَرعاً
حَيثُما مالَت بِهِ الريحُ ساحا
7. It kept flashing in the night until
Its loneliness woke up the morning in it
٧. لَم يَزَل يَلمَعُ بِاللَيلِ حَتّى
خِلتُهُ نَبَّهَ فيهِ صَباحا
8. As if thunder is the wedding of clouds
Whenever lightning pleases it, it shouts
٨. وَكَأَنَّ الرَعدَ فَحلُ لِقاحٍ
كُلَّما يُعجِبُهُ البَرقُ صاحا
9. It left no land of the country
Without being generous or spreading its wing over it
٩. لَم يَدَع أَرضاً مِنَ المَحلِ إِلّا
جادَ أَو مَدَّ عَلَيها جَناحا
10. And watered the ruins of India, so
The drops frolicked over it
١٠. وَسَقى أَطلالَ هِندٍ فَأَضحَت
يَمرَحُ القَطرُ عَلَيها مِراحا
11. Continuously, every day, raining
And hugging the dew and waking up early
١١. دِيَماً في كُلِّ يَومٍ وَوَبلاً
وَاِغتِباقاً لِلنَدى وَاِصطِباحا
12. Everyone who distances himself from people
Finds peace and comfort in it
١٢. كُلُّ مَن يَنأى مِنَ الناسِ عَنها
فَهوَ يَرتاحُ إِلَيها اِرتِياحا
13. I have not seen any house like you
Lush greenery or swamp lands
١٣. لا أَرى مِثلَكِ ما عِشتُ داراً
رَبوَةً مُخضَرَّةً أَو بِطاحا
14. If we entered the Garden of Eden
We would suggest it be replaced with you
١٤. لَو حَلَلنا وَسطَ جَنَّةِ عَدنٍ
لَاِقتَرَحناكَ عَلَيها اِقتِراحا
15. When the sun sprinkled it
It opened the eyes of the garden's flowers
١٥. وَإِذا ما ذَرَّتِ الشَمسُ فيها
فَتَّحَت أَعيُنَ رَوضٍ مِلاحا
16. In soil like musk made white by wind
Whenever the drops made it bloom
١٦. في ثَرىً كَالمِسكِ شيبَ بِراحٍ
كُلَّما أَنبَتَهُ القَطرُ لاحا
17. The truth was united for us in an Imam
Who killed stinginess and brought life to generosity
١٧. جُمِعَ الحَقُّ لَنا في إِمامٍ
قَتَلَ البُخلَ وَأَحيا السَماحا
18. He made the valiant love him as a child and old man
You'd think the sword was his scarf
١٨. أَلِفَ الهَيجاءَ طِفلاً وَكَهلاً
تَحسَبُ السَيفَ عَلَيهِ وِشاحا
19. And he has resolves from his opinion
May God make them successful
١٩. وَلَهُ مِن رَأيِهِ عَزَماتٌ
وَصَلَ اللَهُ ضِمنَهُنَّ نَجاحا
20. He makes the army, when it becomes a tail,
Boldness and striking strength in it
٢٠. يَجعَلُ الجَيشَ إِذا صارَ ذَيلاً
جُرأَةً فيهِ وَبَأساً صُراحا
21. The enemies' relief is in peace from him
While he in peace prepares the weapons
٢١. فَرَجُ الأَعداءِ بِالسِلمِ مِنهُ
وَهوَ في السِلمِ يُعِدُّ السِلاحا
22. His hands generously fragmented their wealth
And they had been stingy about it
٢٢. فَرَّقَت أَيديهِمُ المالَ كُرهاً
وَلَقَد كانوا عَلَيها شِحاحا
23. He sewed up their mouths, and long ago
They tore them open, laughing and joking
٢٣. خاطَ أَفواهَهُم وَقَديماً
مَزَّقوها ضَحِكاً وَمُزاحا
24. And they promised him gratitude, while they
Filled the royal palaces with barking
٢٤. وَوَعوا شُكري إِلَيهِ وَكانوا
مَلَأوا دورَ المُلوكِ نِباحا
25. They despaired of him with a wrongful war
And men whose spears are bloody
٢٥. أَيقَنوا مِنهُ بِحَربٍ عَوانٍ
وَرِجالٍ يَخضِبونَ الرِماحا
26. And stingy whose severity makes the earth eat
Tongue-tied, they start screaming
٢٦. وَبَخيلٍ تَأكُلُ الأَرضَ شَدّاً
مُلجَماتٍ يَبتَدِرنَ الصِياحا
27. Seeking every east and west
Speaking with the neighing eloquence
٢٧. قاصِداتٍ كُلَّ شَرقٍ وَغَربٍ
ناطِقاتٍ بِالصَهيلِ فِصاحا
28. It carried a lion from the people by force
And rams that never stop butting
٢٨. حَمَلَت أُسداً مِنَ الناسِ غُلباً
وَكِباشاً لا تَمَلُّ النِطاحا
29. If I am absent from you, gratitude is not absent
An earnest prayer and praise
٢٩. إِن أَغِب عَنكَ فَما غابَ شُكرٌ
دَعوَةٌ جاهِدَةٌ وَاِمتِداحا
30. O trustee of God, you supported a kingdom
Which before you was permitted plunder
٣٠. يا أَمينَ اللَهِ أَيَّدتَ مُلكاً
كانَ مِن قَبلِكَ نَهباً مُباحا