
And to a night like kohl in the eyes I endured its darkness

وليل ككحل العين خضت ظلامه

1. And to a night like kohl in the eyes I endured its darkness
With shimmering blue and piercing white

١. وَلَيلٍ كَكُحلِ العَينِ خُضتُ ظَلامَهُ
بِأَزرَقَ لَمّاعٍ وَأَبيَضَ صارِمِ

2. And a plane with journeys a letter as though it
Greets the clatter of pebbles with skulls

٢. وَطَيّارَةٍ بِالرَحلِ حَرفٍ كَأَنَّها
تُصافِحُ رَضراضَ الحَصى بِجَّماجِمِ