1. With foresight in betrayal, hasty in affection
Far from reproach, near to abandonment
١. وَمُستَبصِرٍ في الغَدرِ مُستَعجِلِ القِلى
بَعيدٍ مِنَ العُتبى قَريبٍ مِنَ الهَجرِ
2. He has an intercessor in the heart for every stumble
So he has no need for sins to have an excuse
٢. لَهُ شافِعٌ في القَلبِ مِن كُلِّ زَلَّةٍ
فَلَيسَ بِمُحتاجِ الذُنوبِ إِلى العُذرِ
3. The eyes flirt with me with union and affection
So hopes and despair dispute in the chest
٣. تُجاذِبُني الأَطرافُ بِالوَصلِ وَالقِلى
فَتَختَصِمُ الآمالُ وَاليَأسُ في الصَدرِ
4. With myself is an illness not cured for its sick one
Hidden from visitors, lasting for lifetimes
٤. بِنَفسي سَقامٌ لا يُداوى مَريضُهُ
خَفيٌّ عَلى العَوادِ باقٍ عَلى الدَهرِ
5. A love deep inside, above love, its disease is severe
And failed the healers, in secret and openly
٥. هَوىً باطِنٌ فَوقَ الهَوى لَجَّ داؤُهُ
وَأَعيا عَلى العُذّالِ في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ
6. I'm afflicted with a tyrant who bars wishes
On his head a crown of confusion and arrogance
٦. بُليتُ بِجَبّارٍ يُجَلُّ عَنِ المُنى
عَلى رَأسِهِ تاجٌ مِنَ التَيهِ وَالكِبرِ
7. Able over what he willed of me, empowered
Running my injustice, a commander over my command
٧. قَديرٌ عَلى ما شاءَ مِنّي مُسَلَّطٌ
جَرِيٌّ عَلى ظُلمي أَميرٌ عَلى أَمري
8. I'm accustomed to passion until my soul wearied of affection
And longing grew until I was patient with patience
٨. أَلِفتُ الهَوى حَتّى قَلَت نَفسِيَ القِلى
وَطالَ الضَنى حَتّى صَبَرتُ عَلى الصَبرِ
9. Like an obstinate she-camel or a Babylonian woman
Who settled in the darkness of the camp, not walking
٩. وَكَرخِيَّةِ الأَنسابِ أَو بابِلِيَّةٍ
ثَوَت حِقَبٌ في ظُلمَةِ القارِ لا تَسري
10. And how many nights of play whose length
Was shortened by the palm-cup and the eye for wine
١٠. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ لِلَّهوِ قُصَّرَ طولُها
بِساقِيَةِ الكَفّينِ وَالعَينُ لِلخَمرِ
11. And if urges hasten me
To attain my needs and act according to my fate
١١. وَإِنّي وَإِن كانَ التَصابي يَحُثُّني
لِأَبلُغُ حاجاتي وَأَجري عَلى قَدري
12. Noble in sins, if he attains some pleasure
He leaves some above conversations and burden
١٢. كَريمُ ذُنوبٍ إِن يُصِب بَعضَ لَذَّةٍ
يَدَع بَعضَها فَوقَ الأَحاديثِ وَالوِزرِ