
The passage of their hours does not perturb

ما غر من تسري عقاربه

1. The passage of their hours does not perturb
The lions that lie waiting to pounce and curb

١. ما غَرَّ مَن تَسري عَقارِبُهُ
مِن أُسدِ غيلٍ تَرقُبُ الفُرَصا

2. A fervent band of heroes with ready blades
Whose shirts are dyed in blood that evil curbs

٢. وَكَتيبَةٍ دَفّاءَ مِن أَسَلٍ
قَد أَلبَسوها مِن دَمٍ قُمُصا

3. Patience for the woes of their time, and mute
When bitten or stung, no cries disturb

٣. صَبرٌ لِرَيبِ زَمانِهِم صَمَتِ ال
شَكوى إِذا ما عَضَّ أَو قَرَصا

4. Returning to their saddles, throats awash
In bitterness, but no groans disturb

٤. وَالهاجِعينَ عَلى سُروجِهِمُ
خَفَقاً يُذيقُهُمُ الكَرى نُغَصا

5. Brandishing iron, charging the foe afresh
Should it draw back, no qualms disturb

٥. مُتَوَقِّدينَ مِنَ الحَديدِ إِذا
ما صَرَموا بَأسَ العِدى نَكَصا