1. O gazelle of the meadow, so charming and fair
Bewitching with eyes that cast spellbinding stares
١. يا ظَبيَةَ المَيدانِ واحَرَبا
مِن سِحرِ أَجفانٍ تُمَرِّضُها
2. A soul that's devoted is yours to ensnare
No doubt you will soon have it firmly in your snares
٢. تَفديكَ نَفسٌ أَنتَ فِتنَتُها
لا شَكَّ أَنَّكَ سَوفَ تَقبِضُها
3. Blessed are eyes rimmed with kohl liner so fine
From dust of your galloping hooves when they shine
٣. طوبى لِطَرفٍ ظَلَّ مُكتَحِلاً
بِغُبارِ خَيلِكَ حينَ تُركِضُها
4. Your hoofbeats like embers burn into my heart
Searing with yearning whenever we're apart
٤. تَحكي حَوافِرُها إِذا وَقَعَت
حُرقاً عَلى قَلبي تُرَضِّضُها