
For whom is the slain, and why did loves dissolve?

لمن القتيل وما تحللت الحبا

1. For whom is the slain, and why did loves dissolve?
Was he other than a darkened buried king

١. لِمَنِ القَتيلُ وَما تَحَلَّلتِ الحُبا
هَل كانَ غَيرَ مُسَوَّدٍ مَدفونِ

2. In Syria whose kingdom is now lost?
With relish made from souls and eyes.

٢. بِالشامِ مَلكاً قَد تَبَدَّدَ مُلكُهُ
بِمَسَرَّةٍ مِن أَنفُسٍ وَعُيونِ

3. Retribution must befall the unjust
And hatred stirs after tranquility.

٣. لا بُدَّ أَن يَقَعَ الجَزاءُ بِظالِمٍ
وَتُحَرِّكُ الأَحقادُ بَعدَ سُكونِ

4. Only a blow reforms the tyrant
Curing him of madness and insanity.

٤. لا يُصلِحُ الجَبّارَ إِلّا ضَربَةٌ
تَشفيهِ مِن خَبَلٍ بِهِ وَجُنونِ