
The daughter of Numayriya has become angry with me

قد غضبت بنت النميرية

1. The daughter of Numayriya has become angry with me
While I have a thousand other secret loves

١. قَد غَضِبَت بِنتُ النُمَيرِيَّةِ
وَلي سِواها أَلفُ سُرِّيَّه

2. If she goes out one day for something she needs
She rides on two thousand demons

٢. إِذا غَدَت يَوماً إِلى حاجَةٍ
سارَت عَلى أَلفَينِ جُنَّيَّه

3. And if my name is mentioned to her she turns away
And wipes out my name without intention

٣. وَإِن جَرى ذِكري لَها أَعرَضَت
وَمَسَحَت ذِكري بِلا نِيَّه

4. She laughs at a vulgar, uncouth girl
And a lame, hunchbacked neighbor

٤. وَضاحِكَت بِنتاً لَها غَثَّةً
وَجارَةً عَرجاءَ قَسرِيَّه

5. Her followers think she is the door of guidance
But behind that door is only wickedness

٥. يَظُنُّها الشَيعَةُ بابَ الهُدى
وَخَلفَ ذاكَ البابِ بَرِّيَّه