1. With this life I see you no more, though others beg I deny ever knowing you.
You left one sick with love, beware of blood like his, beware!
١. بُخلاً بِهَذا الدَهرِ لَستُ أَراكِ
وَإِذا سَلا أَحَدٌ فَلَستُ كَذاكِ
2. The eyes of singing girls have enchanted and killed, none has done like yours to me.
They would not cease till my blood flowed red from theirarrows, I was counted among your victims.
٢. غادَرتِ ذا سَقمٍ بِحُبُّكِ مُدنَفاً
إِيّاكِ مِن دَمِ مِثلِهِ إِيّاكِ
3. The new moon sang her to sleep, and dawn found her like the rising sun, stringing pearls with your name.
No abode like Duwaira, O house of Jadak! Showersand irrigation are yours.
٣. سَحَرَت عُيونُ الغانِياتِ وَقَتَّلَت
لا مِثلَ ما فَعَلَت بِهِ عَيناكِ
4. Woe to a time whose turns have parted us. Passion for you will not be erased from my heart nor you from my mind.
Since you left no sight has been beautiful, all homes are miserable except yours.
٤. لَم تُقلِعا حَتّى تَخَضَّبَ مِن دَمي
سَهماهُما وَحُسِبتُ مِن قَتلاكِ
5. Which haunt of yours shall I mourn, your touch at dusk or your pillow at dawn?
Or the cool of your shadow, your eyes and your life, or your land of sweet basil and bay tree?
٥. باتَت يُغَنّيها الحِليُّ وَأَصبَحَت
كَالشَمسِ تَنظِمُ جَوهَراً بِأَراكِ
6. As if the dice of amber fell from your hands, or musk burst from its pod on your carpet.
As if the pebbles of your earth were pearls, and dew of flowers were tears you shed.
٦. لا مِثلَ مَنزِلَةِ الدُوَيرَةِ مَنزِلٌ
يا دارُ جادَكِ وابِلٌ وَسَقاكِ
7. As if the hands of spring had scattered their blossoms over your porch as an offering.
As if a coat of mail wrought of silver were the water of the pool flowing over it.
٧. بُؤساً لِدَهرٍ غَيَّرَتكِ صُروفُهُ
لَم يَمحُ مِن قَلبي الهَوى وَمَحاكِ
٨. لَم يَحلُ لِلعَينَينِ بَعدَكِ مَنظَرٌ
ذُمَّ المَنازِلُ كُلُّهُنَّ سِواكِ
٩. أَيَّ المَعاهِدِ مِنكِ أَندُبُ طيبَهُ
مُمساكِ في الآصالِ أَم مَغداكِ
١٠. أَم بَردُ ظِلِّكَ ذي العُيونِ وَذي الحَيا
أَم أَرضُكِ المَيثاءُ أَم رَيّاكِ
١١. فَكَأَنَّما سَقَطَت مَجامِرُ عَنبَرٍ
أَو فُتَّ فَأرُ المِسكِ فَوقَ ثَراكِ
١٢. وَكَأَنَّما حَصباءُ أَرضِكِ جَوهَرٌ
وَكَأَنَّ ماءَ الوَردِ دَمعُ نَداكِ
١٣. وَكَأَنَّما أَيدي الرَبيعِ ضُحَيَّةً
نَثَرَت ثِيابَ الوَشيِ فَوقَ رُباكِ
١٤. وَكَأَنَّ دِرعاً مُفرَغاً مِن فِضَّةٍ
ماءُ الغَديرِ جَرَت عَلَيهِ صِباكِ