
Tell the veiled one that a lover

قل لذات النقاب إن محبا

1. Tell the veiled one that a lover
Has read from the lines of your beauty a letter

١. قُل لِذاتِ النِقابِ إِنَّ مُحِبّاً
قَد قَرا مِن سُطورِ حُسنِكِ حَرفا

2. Asking God for the mercy of a heart
That wavers between union and separation

٢. يَسأَلُ اللَهُ مِنكِ رَحمَةَ قَلبٍ
بَينَ وَصلٍ وَهِجرَةٍ تَتَكَفّا