
I have a beloved who torments me with his absence,

لي حبيب يكدني بمطاله

1. I have a beloved who torments me with his absence,
He has deceived my faith with his beauty and grace,

١. لي حَبيبٌ يَكُدُّني بِمِطالِهِ
غَشَّ ديني بِحُسنِهِ وَجَمالِهِ

2. A moon that clothes the darkness with splendor,
The world wonders at his perfection and completeness,

٢. قَمَرٌ يُلبِسُ الظَلامَ ضِياءً
عَجِبَ النَقصُ في الوَرى مِن كَمالِه

3. The one who distances union is merciless to the lovers,
I suffer from the length of his abandonment and illness,

٣. نازِحُ الوَصلِ لَيسَ يَرحَمُ آما
لِيَ مِن طولِ هَجرِهِ وَاِعتِلالِه

4. I directed my soul to hope in him,
So it lingers waiting for his gift.

٤. وَجَّهَت نَفسِيَ الرَجاءَ إِلَيهِ
فَأَقامَت عَلى اِنتِظارِ نَوالِه