1. The doves cried out with lamentation
And yearning for you stirred fragrant passions
١. لَقَد صاحَ بِالبَينِ الحَمامُ النَوائِحُ
وَهاجَت لَكَ الشَوقَ الحُمولُ الرَوائِحُ
2. We pitched our tents until the dew's brilliance faded
And the news of summer set out on the winds
٢. حَلَلنا الحِمى حَتّى اِنمَحَت نَبهَةُ النَدى
وَسارَت بِأَخبارِ المَصيفِ البَوارِحُ
3. With a glance, death's messenger aimed
Straight at my soul, beyond all defenses
٣. رَمَتني بِلَحظٍ فِعلَهُ المَوتُ واصِلٌ
إِلى النَفسِ لا تَنأى عَلَيهِ المَطارِحُ
4. Like the glance of a hunting falcon before its talons
Grasp prey while it flutters helplessly
٤. كَلَحظَةِ بازٍ صائِدٍ قَبلَ كَفِّهِ
بِمُقلَتِهِ وَالطَيرُ عَنهُ بَوارِحُ
5. We have a refuge that our blood has not sacrificed
Nor the keen blades of dawn terrified
٥. لَنا وَفرَةٌ ما وَفَّرَتها دِماؤُنا
وَلا ذَعَرَتها في الصَباحِ الصَوابِحُ
6. War divided them, leaving only a remnant
That returns to us when calamity is feared
٦. تَقَسَّمَهُنَّ الحَربُ إِلّا بَقِيَّةً
تَرُدُّ عَلَينا حينَ تُخشى الجَوائِحُ
7. When their milk betrays our guests
And their neighbors unlock the village gates
٧. إِذا غَدَرَت أَلبانُها بِضُيوفِنا
وَفَت لِلقِرى جيرانُها وَالصَفايِحُ
8. Tying them with blades, the tatters
As if, without the sword's harvest, jesters playing
٨. وَقَيَّدَها بِالنَصلِ خِرقٌ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا جَدَّ لَولا ما جَنى السَيفُ مازِحُ
9. As if enemy palms on their flanks
Were cats undriven from the water by a herdsman
٩. كَأَنَّ أَكُفَّ القَومِ في جَنَباتِهِ
قَطاً لَم يُنَفِّرهُ عَنِ الماءِ سارِحُ
10. And served our guests only spittle that
Still seethes whenever the winds blow
١٠. وَقَدَّمَ لِلأَضيافِ فَوهاءَ لَم تَزَل
تُجاهِرُ غَيظاً كُلَّما راحَ رائِحُ
11. As if the daughters of oppression in their chambers
When the vanguard of horses stirs the winds
١١. كَأَنَّ بَناتِ الغَليِ في حَجَراتِها
إِذا ما اِنجَلَت أَفلاءُ خَيلٍ رَوائِحُ
12. And how often the fool comes to sincere counsel
Perfectly armed - his teeth ready to gnaw
١٢. وَكَم حَضَرَ الهَيجاءَ في ناصِحِ الشَظا
تَكامَلَ في أَسنانِهِ فَهوَ قارِحُ
13. With a neck that ambushes the length of his tether
And a chest - if you race him, a swimmer
١٣. لَهُ عُنُقٌ يَغتالُ طولَ عِنانِهِ
وَصَدرٌ إِذا أَعطَيتَهُ الجَريَ سابِحُ
14. If he veers into turns, you would say a drinker
Befuddled by quaffing wine at daybreak
١٤. إِذا مالَ في أَعطافِهِ قُلتَ شارِبٌ
عَناهُ بِتَصريفِ المُدامَةِ صابِحُ
15. Death refused to fear his wicked turning
Perhaps the one you fear turns to righteousness
١٥. أَبى المَوتُ أَن تُخشى شُرَيرَةُ حَلَّهُ
لَعَلَّ الَّذي تَخشى شُرَيرَةَ صالِحُ
16. So if I die, lead me to glory and piety
And do not shed a tear when the keeners wail
١٦. فَإِن مُتُّ فَاِنعيني إِلى المَجدِ وَالتُقى
وَلا تَسكُبي دَمعاً إِذا قامَ نائِحُ
17. Say the throne of honor and sublimity has fallen
And the scales of knowledge hang useless
١٧. وَقولي هَوى عَرشُ المَكارِمِ وَالعُلى
وَعُطِّلَ ميزانٌ مِنَ العِلمِ راجِعُ
18. For the new robe is not shamed by wearing it
As the eyes of the virtuous do not shame a man
١٨. فَما يُخلِقُ الثَوبَ الجَديدَ اِبتِذالُهُ
كَما يُخلِقُ المَرءَ العُيونُ اللَوامِحُ