1. My beauty, leave blaming me, cease your complaints
Is life for truthfulness? Be sincere without pretense
١. أَعاذِلُ دَع لَومي وَهاكَ وَهاتِ
هَلِ العَيشُ فَاِصدُق غَيرَ ذا بِحَياتي
2. Bestow a kiss upon this beggar, it is charity
For I see it as the most virtuous of good deeds
٢. تَصَدَّق عَلى المِسكينِ مِنكَ بِقُبلَةٍ
فَإِنّي أَراها أَصدَقَ الحَسَناتِ
3. He offers you a wine from a mouth you've sipped
This wine in truth, not daughters of the vines
٣. يُعاطيكَ خَمراً مِن فَمٍ قَد شَرِبتَها
هِيَ الخَمرُ حَقّاً لا اِبنَةُ الكَرَماتِ
4. My beauty, I shall not rush to repent
Nor will I find repentance in my sighs
٤. أَعاذِلُ إِنّي لا أُعاجِلُ تَوبَةً
وَلَستُ أُلاقي تَوبَةً بِأَناتي
5. At dawn I met a wanderer and her cup
As the dawn army marched forth in the dark
٥. وَراحٍ تَلَقَّيتُ الصَبيحَ بِكَأسِها
وَقَد سارَ جَيشُ الصُبحِ في الظُلُماتِ
6. I called out to Zainab who answered while
Bracelets of silver adorned her ankles
٦. وَنادَيتُ يَحيى فَاِستَجابَ وَطالَما
كَسا جِسمَها مِن فَضَّةٍ حَلَقاتِ
7. Waters sprung from the valley's generous vines
Rivulets flowing from the Euphrates' stream
٧. سُلافَةُ كَرمٍ فُجِّرَت في عُروشِها
جَداوِلُ ماءٍ مِن خَليجِ فُراتِ
8. When they dangled like breasts and awoke
Draped on canes, newly emitted
٨. فَلَمّا تَدَلَّت كَالثُدَيِّ وَأَصبَحَت
عَلى القَصَبِ المَعروشِ مُنبَعِثاتِ
9. They were poured into an earthenware flask
Glazed with clay, steeped to darkness
٩. أُضيفَت إِلى قارِيَّةٍ خَزَفِيَّةٍ
مُصَبَّغَةٍ بِالطينِ مُعتَجِراتِ