1. A cup I drank like a lamp in the sky
At a kiss or promised rendezvous
١. وَكَأسٍ كَمِصباحِ السَماءِ شَرِبتُها
عَلى قُبلَةٍ أَو مَوعِدٍ بِلِقاءِ
2. Days came after it as if they were
Falling light from a hole in the sky
٢. أَتَت دونَها الأَيّامُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
تَساقُطُ نورٍ مِن فُتوقِ سَماءِ
3. You see its cup shining from outside the cup
Though you cover it with a lid
٣. تَرى كَأسَها مِن ظاهِرِ الكَأسِ ساطِعاً
عَلَيكَ وَلَو غَطَّيتَها بِغَطاءِ