
He gave me drink from a preserved wine

سقاني من معتقة الدنان

1. He gave me drink from a preserved wine
Of beautiful ruby color and delicate bouquet

١. سَقاني مِن مُعَتَّقَةِ الدِنانِ
مَليحُ الدَلِّ مُختَضِبُ البَنانِ

2. I freely gazed upon his face
Without fear of the spies

٢. وَهَبتُ لِوَجهِهِ أَلحاظَ عَيني
بِلا خَوفٍ لِأَولادِ الزَواني

3. His beauty was free of every blemish
And far above subtleties and blame

٣. وَفَرَّغَ حُسنَهُ مِن كُلِّ عَيبٍ
وَجَلَّ عَنِ المُشاكِلِ وَالمُداني

4. He came as every soul had wished
Articulate in the finest meanings

٤. فَجاءَ كَما تَمَنّى كُلُّ نَفسٍ
لَهُ بِدَعٌ دَقيقاتُ المَعاني

5. And took in his palm a goblet flaming
With fire not quenched by smoke

٥. وَحَمَّلَ كَفَّهُ كَأساً تَلَظّى
بِنارٍ لا تُقَنَّعُ بِالدُخانِ

6. When he poured water in it, it seethed
As the valiant charge the craven

٦. فَلَمّا صَبَّ فيها الماءَ ثارَت
كَما ثارَ الشُجاعُ إِلى الجَبانِ

7. I saw the goblet was a focus of suns
Its dust pure saffron

٧. فَخِلتُ الكَأسَ مَركَزَ أُقحُوانٍ
وَتُربَتُهُ سَحيقُ الزَعفَرانِ