
I have abandoned many unfaithful friends and blamed them,

تركت أخلاء كثيرا ذممتهم

1. I have abandoned many unfaithful friends and blamed them,
But my friend Ibn Salih, I do not blame.

١. تَرَكتُ أَخِلّاءً كَثيراً ذَمَمتُهُم
وَلَكِن خَليلي لا أَذُمُّ اِبنَ صالِحِ

2. I have opened my heart to him with secrets, he is
A treasure chest of secrets that has defied every opener.

٢. شَقَقتُ لَهُ صَدري مِنَ السِرِّ إِنَّهُ
خِزانَةُ سِرٍّ أَعجَزَت كُلَّ فاتِحِ