
Friend, wandering thought's sweet distraction

ونديم قمرته

1. Friend, wandering thought's sweet distraction
Was from the ambrosial wine cup cast

١. وَنَديمٍ قَمَرَتهُ
غَفلَةُ الكَأسِ العُقار

2. All night his heaven wheeled in sweet reaction
Dizzy in drunkenness spun far and fast

٢. لَم يَزَل ليلَتُهُ في
فَلَكِ السُكرِ يُدار

3. Coffee, balm and comfort after passion
Ah, your eyes! They make my own heart vast

٣. قَهوَةٌ سُرُّ القَذى مِن
ها لِعَينَيكَ جُبار

4. See the bubbles break and gleam, the bright ash
Sputter sparks in cups the old age passed

٤. فَتَرى كاساتِها تَق
دَحُ فيهُنَّ الشَرار

5. Yet waters, silvery with borrow'd white
Cannot veil their want of soberness

٥. وَكَساها الماءُ شَيباً
لَم يَكُن فيهِ وَقار