1. O my companion, my hair has greyed unbidden
And I have drunk bitterness in draughts
١. يا صاحِبي شَيَّبتُ عَفواً
وَشَرِبتُ بِالتَكديرِ صَفوا
2. And quaffed the cups of passion
Finding them bitter and sweet
٢. وَسُقيتُ كاساتِ الهَوى
فَوَجَدتُها مُرّاً وَحُلوا
3. A gazelle openly grazing the arid land
Wandering in my weakness and hardness
٣. ظَبيٌ يُجاهِرُ بِالقِلى
تيهاً عَلى ذُلّي وَقَسوا
4. It has busied my heart with a sorrow
That has seized it and made it empty
٤. شَغَلَ الفُؤادَ بِكُربَةٍ
قَبَضَت عَلَيهِ وَصارَ خِلوا
5. Woe to the days of youth
Effaced from people without a trace
٥. واهاً لِأَيّامِ الصِبا
مُحِيَت مِنَ الآنامِ مَحوا
6. Days in which I indulged in wishes
Roving through their regions in delight and amusement
٦. أَزمانَ أَبلُغُ في المُنى
أَقطارَها مَرَحاً وَلَهوا
7. Days when my slip is forgiven
And the intention of sin thought a lapse
٧. أَيّامَ تُغفَرُ زَلَّتي
وَيُظَنُّ عَمدُ الذَنبِ سَهوا
8. The morning comes to me with his cup
A sight refreshing my languorous eyes
٨. يَغدو عَلَيَّ بِكَأسِهِ
رَشَأٌ مَريضُ الطَرفِ أَحوى
9. The corners of his cheeks stuffed
With musk, perfume in his cheeks
٩. حُشِيَت عَقارِبُ صُدغِهِ
بِالمِسكِ في خَدَّيهِ حَشوا
10. As if his eyelids complain to you
Of illness in plaintive murmurs
١٠. وَكَأَنَّما أَجفانُهُ
تَشكو إِلَيكَ السُقمَ شَكوا
11. In some youths I preferred before me
And none have I found a match
١١. في فِتيَةٍ قَدَّمتُهُم
قَبلي وَما اِستَخلَفتُ كُفوا
12. They have become, in my heart, a burning yearning
That saddens it, with sorrows and passion
١٢. أَمسَوا جَوىً في القَلبِ يُح
زِنُهُ وَأَحزاناً وَشَجوا
13. Ask the dwellings for water
And the meadows, the two convents stronger
١٣. سَل لِلمَنازِلِ سَقيَةً
وَالرَبعِ وَالدَيرَينِ أَقوى
14. Until their places remain
Fiery stars illuminated and bent
١٤. حَتّى تَظَلَّ بِقاعُهُ
شُهُباً مُنَوَّرَةً وَحُوّا
15. And the breeze of it shakes
The wings of plants and bends their glory
١٥. وَيَهُزُّ أَجنِحَةَ النَبا
تِ نَسيمُهُ وَيَحُنُّ زَهوا
16. Of every sweet life I have attained
Its pleasures and walked its path
١٦. مِن كُلِّ عَيشٍ قَد أَصَب
تُ لَذيذَهُ وَسَلَكتُ نَحوا
17. The days of youth but I folded my palm
After them and shortened my stride
١٧. زَمَنُ الصِبا وَرَدَدتُ كَف
فاً بَعدَهُ وَقَصَرتُ خَطوا
18. Grey hair has bared its swords
And stretched over pleasures its shadow
١٨. سَلَّ المَشيبُ سُيوفَهُ
فَسَطا عَلى اللَذّاتِ صَطوا
19. Till the mist of youth bent
Withering and I woke at dawn
١٩. حَتّى اِنثَنَت حُمَةُ الشَبا
بِ كَليلَةً وَصَحَوتُ صَحوا
20. And indeed I have met a tremendous
Threat and shouldered a heavy load
٢٠. وَلَقَد لَقَيتُ عَظيمَةً
مَحذورَةً وَحَمَلتُ عَبوا
21. And I strutted in the shirt of iron
But I do not see in the night glimmers
٢١. وَرَفَلتُ في قُمصِ الحَدي
دِ وَما أَرى في اللَيلِ ضَوّا
22. With a roving, far-wandering cloak
That makes the steeds of riders leap
٢٢. بِشِمِلَّةٍ جَوّالَةٍ
تَنضو مَطايا الرَكبِ نَضوا
23. The resolves of a man have journeyed with it
And its abode in cares the severest
٢٣. رَحَلَت بِها هِمَمُ اِمرِئٍ
وَمُقامُها في الهَمِّ أَسوا
24. He gestured to it in hard times
But did not leave any room for trespassing
٢٤. أَومى إِلَيها بِالزِما
مِ فَلَم تَدَع لِلسَطوِ عَدوا
25. And indeed I have shed for youth
Its darkness at dawn and in the morning
٢٥. وَلَقَد فَضَضتُ عَنِ الصَبا
حِ ظَلامَهُ سَحَراً وَغُدوا
26. With an effeminate of little strength
Who prances before the horses prancing
٢٦. بِمُخَنَّثٍ ذي مَيعَةٍ
يَنزو أَمامَ الخَيلِ نَزوا
27. In the footsteps of a starry banner
Whose light has humbly dimmed and bent
٢٧. في إِثرِ سارِيَةٍ تَبَط
طَنَ نورُها خَفضاً وَرَبوا
28. Sacrificed on the heat of the ground
With its pouring showers watering it
٢٨. نُحِرَت عَلى حُرِّ الثَرى
بِسُقاتِ وابِلِها فَأَروى