
Come by their abodes and go slowly, and ask

هاتيك دارهم فعرج واسأل

1. Come by their abodes and go slowly, and ask
Divided between youth and hoariness.

١. هاتيكَ دارُهُمُ فَعَرِّج وَاِسأَلِ
مَقسومَةً بَينَ الصَبا وَالشَمأَلِ

2. It is as though we never sang among their walls
In delight, and as though we never halted.

٢. وَكَأَنَّنا لَم نَغنَ بَينَ عِراصِها
في غَبطَةٍ وَكَأَنَّنا لَم نَحلُلِ

3. Your eyelids have been shut by weeping, so part them
To flow on the remnants of an evil change.

٣. لَجَّت جُفونُكَ بِالبُكاءِ فَخَلِّها
تَسفَح عَلى طَلَلٍ لِشُرٍّ مُحوِلِ

4. And many a desolate place the guide gets lost in,
Scorched by the sun, torn and unknown.

٤. وَلَرُبَّ مُهلِكَةٍ يَحارُ بِها القَطا
مَسجورَةٍ بِالشَمسِ خَرقٍ مُجهَلِ

5. I left it with a robe that treads the darkness
Startled in movement, night of scanty garb.

٥. خَلَّفتُها بِشِمِلَّةٍ تَطَأُ الدُجى
مُرتاعَةِ الحَرَكاتِ حِلسٍ عَيطَلِ

6. It gazes with a look as though its tear ducts
Were mouths of towering heights never halted.

٦. تَرنو بِناظِرَةٍ كَأَنَّ حِجاجَها
وَقبٌ أَنافَ بِشاهِقٍ لَم يُحلَلِ

7. And it is as though when she alights her place of descent
Are traces of a prostrating worshipper, humble.

٧. وَكَأَنَّ مَسقِطَها إِذا ما عَرَّسَت
آثارُ مَسقِطِ ساجِدٍ مُتَبَتِّلِ

8. And it is as though the traces of the huntresses in her plain
Are the track of lions in confused folly.

٨. وَكَأَنَّ آثارَ النُسوعِ بِدَفِّها
مَسرى الأَساوِدِ في هِيامٍ أَهيَلِ

9. And her guide holds her with a complete rope,
Like a palm tree whose bark never gets stripped.

٩. وَيَشُدُّ حاديها بِحَبلٍ كامِلٍ
كَعَسيبِ نَخلٍ خوصُهُ لَم يَنجَلِ

10. And it is as though she were a wild enemy who travelled at dawn
The blues of the water, while her thoughts were of home.

١٠. وَكَأَنَّها عَدواً قَطاةٌ صَبَّحَت
زُرقَ المِياهِ وَهَمُّها في المَنزِلِ

11. She filled her buckets, taking pride in carrying them,
Before her anklets like the little whelp.

١١. مَلَأَت دِلاءَ تَستَقِلَّ بِحَملِها
قُدّامَ كَلكَلِها كَصُغرى الحَنظَلِ

12. She sways like the swinging of the leather bucket that carries her
In timing like the embroidered hem of a garment.

١٢. وَغَدَت كَجُلمودِ القِذافِ يُقِلُّها
وافٍ كَمِثلِ الطَيلَسانِ المُخمَلِ

13. I loaded her with heavy worries, so they cut off
Their ties with us, bent and twisted.

١٣. حَمَّلتُها ثِقَلَ الهُمومِ فَقَطَّعَت
أَسبابُهُنَّ بِنا تَخِبُّ وَتَعتَلي

14. From the resolve of a heart I did not turn to other than it,
Anger of a striker hitting the joints.

١٤. عَن عَزمِ قَلبٍ لَم أَصِلهُ بِغَيرِهِ
عَضبِ المَضارِبِ صائِبٍ لِلمَفصِلِ

15. Until when an appointed night came over them
They fell into the hands of armed raiders.

١٥. حَتّى إِذا اِعتَدَلَت عَلَيهِم لَيلَةٌ
سَقَطوا إِلى أَيدي قَلائِصَ نُحَّلِ

16. Until an experienced guide aroused them
Soaring to his goal with the eyes of a young mountain goat,

١٦. حَتّى اِستَثارَهُمُ دَليلٌ فارِطٌ
يَسمو لِغايَتِهِ بِعَينَي أَجدَلِ

17. Called by his nickname when their thirst was at its most
And called by his name at the drinking station.

١٧. يُدعى بِكُنيَتِهِ لِآخِرِ ظِمئِها
يَوماً وَيُدعى بِاِسمِهِ في المَنهَلِ

18. Pallor from the burdens appeared on his face
So that he seemed polished granite that was not smoothed.

١٨. لَبِسَ الشُحوبَ مِنَ الظَهائِرِ وَجهُهُ
فَكَأَنَّهُ ماوِيَّةٌ لَم تُصقَلُ

19. Traveling with his glance when guidance was confused
Between planets and an isolated star.

١٩. سارٍ بِلَحظَتِهِ إِذا اِشتَبَهَ الهُدى
بَينَ المَجَرَّةِ وَالسِماكِ الأَعزَلِ

20. And many a twisted lock have I left disheveled
As prey for the ravenous beasts that morning fed.

٢٠. وَلَرُبَّ قِرنٍ قَد تَرَكتُ مُجَدَّلاً
جَزَراً لِضارِيَةِ الذِئابِ العُسَّلِ

21. My pact with him while death keeps guard over his soul
And with his head like the beak of a wretched raven.

٢١. عَهدي بِهِ وَالمَوتُ يَخفُرُ رَوحَهُ
وَبِرَأسِهِ كَفَمِ الفَنيقِ الأَهزَلِ

22. And I have tasted the rain dripping its moisture
While dawn was still confused like the one-eyed blinker.

٢٢. وَلَقَد قَفَوتُ الغَيثَ يَنطُفُ دَجنُهُ
وَالصُبحُ مُلتَبِسٌ كَعَينِ الأَشهَلِ

23. With a sprinkling that casts shadows with a ladle
Like tattooing expressing the mind of the troubled.

٢٣. بِطَمرَةٍ تَرمي الشُخوصَ بِمُقلَةٍ
كَحلاءَ تُعرِبُ عَن ضَميرِ المُشكِلِ

24. An air that cleaves between two sides of her face
A light whose sharpness seems a hanging spearhead.

٢٤. فَوهاءَ يَفرُقُ بَينَ شَطرَي وَجهِها
نورٌ تَخالُ سَناهُ سَلَّةَ مُنصُلِ

25. And it is as though below the excuse there lies a sheet
That chisels have been taken to, planed and smoothed.

٢٥. وَكَأَنَّما تَحتَ العِذارِ صَفيحَةٌ
عُنِيَت بِصَفحَتِها مَداوِسُ صَيقَلِ