1. Would that my day were by Euphrates' shore,
For there life seemed most sweet, and more and more
١. لَيتَ يَومي بِنَهرِ فَرّوخَ عادا
فَلَقَد طابَ لي وَسَرَّ وَزادا
2. The vicissitudes of fate from it withdrew,
And there the joys of life our steps pursue.
٢. عَفَتِ الحادِثاتُ عَنهُ وَأَعطَت
نا صُنوفُ اللَذّاتِ فيهِ القِيادا
3. Our steeds we'd race, while noble steeds contend;
Though stirred to strife, as noble steeds they'd end.
٣. وَعَدَونا عَلى الجِيادِ وَما حو
بِيَتِ الخَيلُ إِذ تُسَمّى جِيادا
4. Or standing still, their heads held high, they'd seem
As spear-like columns fixed, or so I deem.
٤. مُعطِياةٍ رُؤوسَهُنَّ إِذا شِئ
نَ وُقوفاً تَخالُها أَوتادا
5. If spurred by heel or whip, their souls take flight
And leave their bodies in most wondrous plight.
٥. وَإِذا حَثَّها الرِكابُ أَوِ السَو
طُ أَطارَت أَرواحُها الأَجسادا
6. The pebbles, if they pass in full career,
Like locusts scattered by their hooves appear.
٦. وَنَخالُ الحَصى إِذا ما عَدَت نَح
لاً أُطيرَت مِن تَحتِها أَو جَرادا
7. Carefree they bear the youths who love delight
And heed no mentor bidding them do right.
٧. مَرِحاتٍ يَحمِلنَ فِتيانَ لَهوٍ
لا يُطيعونَ في الهَوى فَنّادا
8. Taste ye life's joy, let generosity
Like steeds race with you through your days; so be
٨. حَذِّقوا لَذَّةَ الحَياةِ وَأَغرى
جَودُهُم دَهرَهُم فَصارا جَوادا
9. Generous when Time gallops like steeds whose pace
Scatters the pebbles in the headlong race!
٩. قُل لِشَرِّ بِاللَهِ يا هَمَّ نَفسي
زَوِّديني قَبلَ الحَوادِثِ زادا
10. "Do ill, Grief," to my soul I say, "provide
Provision ere misfortune shall betide!"
١٠. قَد شَكا الوَعدُ مِنكِ حَبساً طَويلاً
فَاِحلِلي عَنهُ يا شُرَيرَ الصِفادا
11. Long hath your promise tortured and confined
Release it now, though evil and unkind!
١١. أَنتِ لا تُحسِنينَ وَعدَكِ هَذا
كُلُّ مَن شاءَ أَخلَفَ الميعادا
12. You cannot keep your troth, whate'er you vow,
Whoe'er would wish may break his plighted vow
١٢. لَيسَ كُلُّ العُشاقِ صَبّاً وَلَكِن
ذا حُسامٌ يُقَطِّعُ الأَكبادا
13. No lover true is always passion's slave;
This has a sword that doth men's vitals cleave!
١٣. رَبُّ يَومٍ أَحيَيتُهُ بِزَفيرٍ
وَهُمومٍ تَكوي الحَشا وَالفُؤادا
14. One day I spent in sighs and bitter pain
That seared my heart and burnt it amain,
١٤. باتَ طَرفي يُشَيِّعُ النَجمَ فيهِ
كُلَّما خِلتُهُ يَسيرُ تَمادى