
The beloved draws near to the ardent lover

قرب الحبيب إلى المحب الوامق

1. The beloved draws near to the ardent lover
After separation ravaged the impassioned one

١. قَرُبَ الحَبيبُ إِلى المُحِبِّ الوامِقِ
مِن بَعدِ ما فَتَكَ الفُراقُ بِعاشِقِ

2. Now the stars have bowed their necks
And every expatriate's homeland has come near

٢. فَالآنَ قَد لَوَتِ النَوى أَعناقَها
وَدَنا مِنَ الأَوطانُ كُلُّ مُفارِقِ

3. I present the Commander of the Faithful pleased
And submitted to destroy the straying enemy

٣. أَقدِم أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ عَلى الرِضا
وَاِسلَم لِإِهلاكِ العَدوِّ المارِقِ

4. A lion emerged from his den so the foxes
Shook before his true ferocity

٤. أَسَدٌ بَدا مِن غابِهِ فَتَضَعضَعَت
مِنهُ الثَعالِبُ عِندَ شَدٍّ صادِقِ

5. Until they knew the right path and a hand hastened
What it had not gathered for a contender or thief

٥. حَتّى إِذا عَرَفوا الهَدى وَرَمَت يَدٌ
ما جَمَعَت لِمُخاتِلٍ وَلِسارِقِ

6. The swords have been sheathed and he saw positions
In heads, shoulders, and slender necks

٦. شامَ السُيوفَ وَقَد رَأَينَ مَواقِعاً
في أَرؤُسٍ وَكَواهِلٍ وَعَواتِقِ

7. With forbearance, respite, expansive gentleness
And favor, not stinginess or tightfistedness

٧. حِلماً وَإِبقاءً وَرَأفَةَ واسِعِ ال
إِنعامِ لاكَزٍّ وَلا مُتَضايِقِ

8. He restrained his supporters, and had the fray attended
Their blood would be like an expectorator's spittle

٨. وَثَنى أَعِنَّتَهُ وَلَو حَضَرَ الوَغى
كانَت دِمائُهُمُ كَنَفثَةِ باصِقِ

9. Walk the straight path, for if you desire
To break it, swifter than you will be the pursuer

٩. سيروا عَلى خَطِّ الطَريقِ فَإِنَّهُ
إِن رُحتُمُ لِلنَكثِ أَسرَعُ لاحِقِ

10. Do not reckon today as your yesterday
Where is the morn from the gloomy dark?

١٠. لا تَحسَبوا اليَومَ الجَديدَ كَأَمسِكُم
أَينَ الصَباحُ مِنَ الظَلَمِ الغاسِقِ