1. How many blessed nights I have lived
That brought the happiest fate that never soured
١. كَم لَيلَةٍ مَحمودَةٍ أَحيَيتُها
جاءَت بِأَسعَدِ طائِرٍ لَم يَنحَسِ
2. White and moonlit was their dawn
With clothes untouched by any stain
٢. بَيضاءَ مُقمِرَةٍ لَقيها صُبحُها
وَثِيابُها في ظُلمَةٍ لَم تُدنَسِ
3. Mars flickered amongst its stars
Like a tulip in a garden of narcissus
٣. وَتَوَقَّدَ المَريخُ بَينَ نُجومِها
كَبَهارَةٍ في رَوضَةٍ مِن نَرجِسِ
4. Its bliss and joy were made complete
By the sweetest visitor in the finest gathering
٤. كَمَلَت وَتَمَّ نَعيمُها وَسُرورُها
بِأَحَبِّ زائِرَةٍ وَأَطيَبِ مَجلِسِ
5. Regret was not just to the wine cup
For its sun laughed at it with a frown
٥. ما أَنصَفَ النَدمانُ كَأسَ مُدامِها
ضَحِكَت عَليهِ فَشَمسُها بِتَعَبُّسِ