1. You have lied, O you who blame me for my love,
The image of the full moon is nothing but his image.
١. كَذَبتَ يا مَن لَحاني في مَحَبَّتِهِ
ما صورَةُ البَدرِ إِلّا مِثلُ صورَتِهِ
2. O Lord, if there is no hope in union with him,
And no relief from the agony of his abandonment,
٢. يا رَبِّ إِن لَم يَكُن في وَصلِهِ طَمَعٌ
وَلَم يَكُن فَرَجٌ مِن طولِ هِجرَتِهِ
3. Then heal the sickness that is in the gaze of my eyes,
And cover the beauty of his cheeks with his beard.
٣. فَاِشفِ السِقامَ الَّذي في لَحظِ مُقلَتِهِ
وَاِستُر مَلاحَةَ خَدَّيهِ بِلِحيَتِهِ