
I have not tasted the sweetness of sleep, if only you knew

ما ذقت طعم النوى لو تدري

1. I have not tasted the sweetness of sleep, if only you knew
It is as if my sides are on burning coals

١. ما ذُقتُ طَعمَ النَوى لَو تَدري
كَأَنَّ جَنبَيَّ عَلى جَمرِ

2. In a shining moon, half of it
Is as if it were a burning perfume

٢. في قَمَرٍ مُشرِقٍ نِصفُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ مَحرَقَةُ العِطرِ

3. I am easy prey for the insects, all bitten up
My hands have grown too weak to swat them away

٣. فَريسَةٌ لِلبَقِّ مَنهوشَةٌ
قَد ضَعُفَت كَفّي عَنِ النَصرِ